Research & Product Development in Halifax, NS
Focal Research Consultants LimitedFocal Research Consultants LimitedFocal Research Consultants Limited
(Monday - Friday)
Halifax, NS, Canada, B3L 2C2

Senior Data Analyst

Sophie builds predictive models to identify people at risk of developing gambling harms.

Sophie Wang

Senior Data Analyst
  • +1 902 454 8856
  • 7071 Bayers Rd Suite 309, Halifax, NS, B3L 2C2

Sophie is a senior data analyst specializing in building predictive models that can identify individuals who are at risk of developing gambling-related problems. Using a combination of statistical analysis and machine learning techniques, she is able to detect problematic gambling patterns and build accurate custom models for various land-based casino products and online sports betting.

In addition to her modeling work, Sophie conducts gambling research, evaluating the outcome of player detection and interaction with other data analytics team members. She provides insights and contributes to ongoing efforts to minimize the negative impacts of gambling-related harm.

As a contributing member of Focal, she also helps with player surveys and provides support for data-driven decision making.

Team Members

Safer Gambling Solutions

Presentations, Publications, & Research

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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