Priyanka Dalal, Software Developer, Focal Research Consultants Limited

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  • Priyanka Dalal, Software Developer, Focal Research Consultants Limited

Software Developer

Priyanka is a skilled software developer with experience in data infrastructure, performance testing, and databases.

Priyanka Dalal

Software Developer
  • +1 902 454 8856
  • 7071 Bayers Rd Suite 309, Halifax, NS, B3L 2C2

Priyanka is a skilled software developer working on custom predictive modelling solutions as part of the Focal development team and is passionate about building high-quality software solutions to support client needs.

At Focal, Priyanka is responsible for implementing, testing, and maintaining C++ programs and shared libraries and has played a key role in redesigning the data infrastructure for better performance and scalability. Additionally, she has planned, implemented, and maintained infrastructure and services on the Microsoft Azure platform.

With a deep understanding of performance and load testing using Apache Jmeter, she has experience working with Jenkins and containerization platforms like Docker. She is also well-versed in Linux and RHEL and has a strong knowledge of MySQL, MongoDB, and NoSQL databases.

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Melbourne, Australia
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(10am - 05 pm)
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