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- Atlantic Lottery Corporation Video Lottery Responsible Gaming Feature Research – Final Report3.13 MBPreviewOctober 1, 2022Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schellinck, T., Schrans, T.Pages 236Download
- Highlight Report | The Focal ALeRT Affordability Index: Finding Over-spenders Among Regular EGM Gamblers119.35 KBPreviewJanuary 1, 2022Focal Reports & PapersPages 3Download
- Summary Report | The Focal ALeRT Affordability Index: Finding Over-spenders Among Regular EGM Gamblers363.48 KBPreviewJanuary 1, 2022Focal Reports & PapersPages 13Download
- Highlight Report – HELPING UK CASINO PLAYERS GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY | Focal ALeRT Evaluating the Impact of Safer Gambling Customer164.62 KBPreviewMarch 1, 2021Focal Reports & PapersPages 11Download
- Final Technical Report – HELPING UK CASINO PLAYERS GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY: Evaluating the Impact of Safer Gambling Customer Interactions November 2018 – February 2020)677.66 KBPreviewMarch 1, 2021Focal Reports & PapersPages 42Download
- Executive Summary – HELPING UK CASINO PLAYERS GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY: Evaluating the Impact of Safer Gambling Customer Interactions127.30 KBPreviewMarch 1, 2021Focal Reports & PapersPages 6Download
- UK Casino 2019 Trial Summary Report | Identify Interact Evaluate Report0.98 MBPreviewDecember 1, 2019Focal Reports & PapersPages 32Download
- Using Player Loyalty Data to detect risk for problem gambling: Developing and Testing Risk Identification Models for Use in the UK Casino Market937.41 KBPreviewFebruary 16, 2016Focal Reports & PapersPages 20Download
- Instrument Development for FLAGS A New Gambling Risk Measure May 2015 (FOCAL)240.66 KBPreviewMay 8, 2015Journal PublicationAuthor(s) Schellinck. T, Schrans, T., Schellinck. H, Bliemel. MJournal Journal of Gambling IssuesPages 200Download
- Construct Development for FLAGS A New Gambling Risk Measure May 2015 (FOCAL)254.46 KBPreviewMay 8, 2015Journal PublicationAuthor(s) Schellinck. T, Schrans. T, Schellinck. H, Bliemel, M.Pages 173Download
- Using Loyalty Data to Identify High-Risk Gambling Patterns: Understanding the use of Behavioural Analytics and Predictive Modelling for Customer Care972.49 KBPreviewMay 1, 2015Government ReportsPages 19Download
- Intelligent Design: How to model gambler risk assessment by using loyalty tracking data124.98 KBPreviewDecember 1, 2011Journal PublicationAuthor(s) Schellinck. T, Schrans, T.Journal Journal of Gambling IssuesPages 68Download
- Atlantic Lottery Corporation Video Lottery Responsible Gaming Feature Research – Final Report3.13 MBPreviewOctober 1, 2022Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schellinck, T., Schrans, T.Pages 236Download
- Highlight Report | The Focal ALeRT Affordability Index: Finding Over-spenders Among Regular EGM Gamblers119.35 KBPreviewJanuary 1, 2022Focal Reports & PapersPages 3Download
- Summary Report | The Focal ALeRT Affordability Index: Finding Over-spenders Among Regular EGM Gamblers363.48 KBPreviewJanuary 1, 2022Focal Reports & PapersPages 13Download
- Highlight Report – HELPING UK CASINO PLAYERS GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY | Focal ALeRT Evaluating the Impact of Safer Gambling Customer164.62 KBPreviewMarch 1, 2021Focal Reports & PapersPages 11Download
- Final Technical Report – HELPING UK CASINO PLAYERS GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY: Evaluating the Impact of Safer Gambling Customer Interactions November 2018 – February 2020)677.66 KBPreviewMarch 1, 2021Focal Reports & PapersPages 42Download
- Executive Summary – HELPING UK CASINO PLAYERS GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY: Evaluating the Impact of Safer Gambling Customer Interactions127.30 KBPreviewMarch 1, 2021Focal Reports & PapersPages 6Download
- UK Casino 2019 Trial Summary Report | Identify Interact Evaluate Report0.98 MBPreviewDecember 1, 2019Focal Reports & PapersPages 32Download
- Summary Report | An independent review of the report produced by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and Responsible Gaming Council of Canada (RGC), commissioned by Gamble Aware (August 30, 2017)915.41 KBPreviewApril 1, 2018Focal Reports & PapersPages 16Download
- Using Player Loyalty Data to detect risk for problem gambling: Developing and Testing Risk Identification Models for Use in the UK Casino Market937.41 KBPreviewFebruary 16, 2016Focal Reports & PapersPages 20Download
- Instrument Development for FLAGS A New Gambling Risk Measure May 2015 (FOCAL)240.66 KBPreviewMay 8, 2015Journal PublicationAuthor(s) Schellinck. T, Schrans, T., Schellinck. H, Bliemel. MJournal Journal of Gambling IssuesPages 200Download
- Construct Development for FLAGS A New Gambling Risk Measure May 2015 (FOCAL)254.46 KBPreviewMay 8, 2015Journal PublicationAuthor(s) Schellinck. T, Schrans. T, Schellinck. H, Bliemel, M.Pages 173Download
- Using Loyalty Data to Identify High-Risk Gambling Patterns: Understanding the use of Behavioural Analytics and Predictive Modelling for Customer Care972.49 KBPreviewMay 1, 2015Government ReportsPages 19Download
- Intelligent Design: How to model gambler risk assessment by using loyalty tracking data124.98 KBPreviewDecember 1, 2011Journal PublicationAuthor(s) Schellinck. T, Schrans, T.Journal Journal of Gambling IssuesPages 68Download
- Raising the FLAGs: A Pilot Study adapting FLAGS, a next generation gambling risk assessment instrument. For use in identifying risk among general gambling populations1.26 MBPreviewAugust 1, 2011Government ReportsPages 54Download
- Final Report FLAGS: Development of an Instrument for Identifying Risk for Problem Gambling among Slot Machine Gamblers in Ontario1.79 MBPreviewApril 12, 2011Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schellinck, T., Schrans, T., Bliemel M., & Schellinck, H.Pages 134Download
- 2011 Nova Scotia Adolescent Gambling Surveillance Technical Report Identification of Gambling Risk and Harm Among Adolescents Aged 13–18 Years1.14 MBPreviewMarch 1, 2011Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schellinck. T, Schrans. TPages 113Download
- Research Summary : Development of an Instrument for Identifying Risk for Problem Gambling among Slot Machine Gamblers in Ontario143.34 KBPreviewJanuary 1, 2011Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schellinck, T, Schrans, T, Schellinck, H, Bliemel, MPages 6Download
- 2011 Nova Scotia Adolescent Gambling Surveillance Technical Report Identification of Gambling Risk and Harm Among Adolescents Aged 13–18 Years1.13 MBPreviewJanuary 1, 2011Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schrans, T, Schellinck, TPages 118Download
- Gaining Control: Trends in the processes of change for video lottery terminal gamblersDecember 12, 2010Journal PublicationPages 13Download
- Evaluating the Impact of the “My‐Play” System in Nova Scotia – Phase 1: Regular VL Player Benchmark Survey Technical Report1.08 MBPreviewOctober 12, 2010Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schellinch, T, Schrans, T, Chen, C, Chambers, EPages 84Download
- Phase 1 Evaluation of The “My-Play” System: 2010 Regular VL Players Benchmark Survey716.26 KBPreviewOctober 12, 2010Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schellinck, T, Schrans, T, Chen, C, Chambers, EPages 24Download
- Discussion Paper: Player Tracking Rationale and Applications594.55 KBPreviewJune 1, 2010Focal Reports & PapersAuthor(s) Schrans. T, Schellinck. TPages 18Download
- Informing the Debate: Specifications for an Effective Gambling Risk Assessment System Based On Loyalty Tracking Data398.38 KBPreviewDecember 12, 2009Journal PublicationAuthor(s) Schellinck, T., Schrans, T., and Zou, Y.Pages 20Download
- Developing an Improved Measure of Risk and Harm due to Gambling: Characteristics of an Improved Instrument and the Application of Formative and Reflective Constructs284.65 KBPreviewDecember 12, 2009Journal PublicationAuthor(s) Schellinck, T., Schrans, T., and Zou, Y.Pages 19Download
- Using Player Tracking Systems to Identify and Manage Risk for Problem Gambling and other High–Risk Gambling Behaviour283.90 KBPreviewOctober 1, 2009Focal Reports & PapersAuthor(s) Schellinck. T, Schrans. TPages 19Download
- 2007 Yellow Flag Post Campaign Evaluation Among Young Adults 19-34 in Nova Scotia – Final Report1.04 MBPreviewOctober 1, 2008Government ReportsPages 105Download
- 2008 Nova Scotia Adolescent Gambling Exploratory Research Identification of Risk and Gambling Harms among Youth (13-18 years) – Final Report806.34 KBPreviewSeptember 1, 2008Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schrans, T., Schellinck, T., Walsh, G., Grace, J.Pages 123Download
- 2008 Nova Scotia Adolescent Gambling Exploratory Research Identification of Risk and Gambling Harms among Youth (13-18 years)786.25 KBPreviewSeptember 1, 2008Government ReportsAuthor(s) Focal Research Consultants LimitedPages 101Download
- Culture of Alcohol Use in Nova Scotia – Highlight Report377.28 KBPreviewJune 1, 2008Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schrans, T., Schellinck, T., McDonald, k.Pages 48Download
- The Concept of Formative Constructs and Suggested Applications in the Area of Gambling Risk Assessment: An Annotated Bibliography251.40 KBPreviewJune 1, 2008Focal Reports & PapersAuthor(s) Schellinck, T., Schrans, T.Pages 17Download
- 2007 Nova Scotia Adult Gambling Prevalence Study7.74 MBPreviewJanuary 12, 2008Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schrans, T., Schellinck, T.Pages 140Download
- Gambling and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Re-defining industry and state roles on duty of care, host responsibility and risk managementJanuary 12, 2008Journal PublicationAuthor(s) Hancock, L., Schellinck, T., Schrans, T.Pages 14Download
- 2007 Adults Gambling Prevalence Study7.70 MBPreviewJanuary 1, 2008Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schellinck. T, Schrans. TPages 140Download
- Assessment of the Behavioral Impact of Responsible Gaming Device (RGD) Features: Analysis of Nova Scotia Player-card Data – WINDSOR TRIAL – Highlight Report340.08 KBPreviewFebruary 1, 2007Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schellinck, T., Schrans, T.Pages 14Download
- Assessment of the Behavioral Impact of Responsible Gaming Device (RGD) Features: Analysis of Nova Scotia Player-card Data – WINDSOR TRIAL – Final Report1.42 MBPreviewFebruary 1, 2007Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schellinck, T., Schrans, T.Pages 117Download
- Phase II: Quantitative Analysis Self-Administered Problem Gambling Screen – Executive Summary451.19 KBPreviewAugust 1, 2006Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schellinck, T.Pages 27Download
- Assessment of Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines Print Materials : Evaluative Research & Concept Testing Among Young Adults (19-29 years): Highlight Report220.41 KBPreviewJanuary 1, 2006Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schrans, T., Schellinck, T.Pages 11Download
- Assessment of Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines Print Materials : Evaluative Research & Concept Testing Among Females (19-29 years): Highlight Report348.68 KBPreviewJuly 1, 2005Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schrans, T., Schellinck, T.Pages 58Download
- 2004 NS VL Self Exclusion Program Process Test – Final Report3.13 MBPreviewDecember 1, 2004Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schellinck, T., Schrans, T.Pages 236Download
- 2004 NS VL Self Exclusion Program Process Test – Summary Report448.62 KBPreviewDecember 1, 2004Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schrans, T., Schellinck, T. Grace, G.Pages 22Download
- 2003 NS VL Responsible Gaming Features Evaluation – Final Report618.08 KBPreviewOctober 1, 2004Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schrans, T., Grace. J, Schellinck, T.Pages 75Download
- Phase 1 Development Self-Administered Problem Gambling Screen – Victoria Gambling Research Panel522.43 KBPreviewOctober 1, 2004Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schellinck, T.Pages 42Download
- 2003 Nova Scotia Gambling Prevalence Study – Final Report3.49 MBPreviewJune 1, 2004Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schrans, T., Schellinck, T., Focal Research ConsultantsPages 124Download
- Identifying Problem Gamblers At The Gambling Venue: Finding Combinations Of High Confidence Indicators159.46 KBPreviewJanuary 1, 2004Journal PublicationAuthor(s) Schellinck, T., Schrans, T.Journal ResearchGatePages 17Download
- Identifying Problem Gamblers at the Gambling Venue: Finding Combinations of High Confidence Indicators159.40 KBPreviewJanuary 1, 2004Journal PublicationAuthor(s) Schellinck. T, Schrans. TPages 24Download
- Surveying All Adults in a Household: the Potential for Reducing Bias in Prevalence Estimates and the Opportunity to Study Households with More than One Problem GamblerMay 1, 2003Journal PublicationAuthor(s) Schellinck, T., Schrans, T.Pages 11Download
- Nova Scotia Vl Responsible Gaming Features – Exploratory Concept Testing Qualitative Research – Final Report1.41 MBPreviewFebruary 1, 2003Government ReportsAuthor(s) Focal Research Consultants Ltd.Pages 84Download
- Understanding Gambling Behaviour Using Computer SimulationNovember 1, 2002Journal PublicationAuthor(s) Schellinck, T., Schrans, T.Journal Journal of the National Association for Gambling Studies AUPages 13Download
- 2002 Seniors Survey – Prevalence of Substance Use & Gambling Among New Brunswick Adults Aged 55+1.51 MBPreviewMay 1, 2002Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schellinck, T., Schrans, T., Walsh, G., Grace, J.Pages 123Download
- The Application Of Computer Simulations In Exploring Continuous Consumer Behaviour: The Study Of Gambling Behaviour373.76 KBPreviewJanuary 1, 2002Journal PublicationAuthor(s) Schellinck, T., Schrans, T.Pages 9Download
- 2001 Survey of Gambling and Problem Gambling in New Brunswick1.66 MBPreviewJanuary 1, 2001Government ReportsPeer ReviewAuthor(s) Focal Research Consultants Ltd.Pages 148Download
- 1997/98 Nova Scotia Video Lottery Players’ Survey : Executive Summary2.58 MBPreviewOctober 1, 1998Government ReportsAuthor(s) Focal Research Consultants Ltd.Pages 473Download
- Instrument Development for the FocaL Adult Gambling Screen (FLAGS-EGM): A Measurement of Risk and Problem Gambling Associated with Electronic Gambling MachinesNovember 29, 2022Journal Journal of Gambling IssuesPages 27Download
- Assessment of Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines Print Materials : Evaluative Research & Concept Testing Among Young Males (19-29 years): Highlight Report709.76 KBPreviewNovember 29, 2022Government ReportsAuthor(s) Schrans, T., Schellinck, T.Pages 114Download
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