Tim Wentzell, Senior Software Engineer, Focal Research Consultants Limited

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  • Tim Wentzell, Senior Software Engineer, Focal Research Consultants Limited

Senior Software Engineer

Tim is a dedicated software engineer who has been instrumental in helping construct Focal’s products.

Tim Wentzell

Senior Software Engineer
  • focal@focalresearch.com
  • +1 902 454 8856
  • 7071 Bayers Rd Suite 309, Halifax, NS, B3L 2C2

Tim is a dedicated software engineer who has been instrumental in helping construct Focal’s products. As a key member of the development team, Tim helped bring Focal’s ALeRT BETTOR Protection and ALeRT BETTOR Customer Care software from initial stages to customer-utilized dashboards and training modules for staff and managers in hundreds of venues worldwide.

In addition to Tim’s work on the development side, Tim has also played a key role in the installation and deployment of the ALeRT software to multiple gambling operators’ secure cloud-based environments, working to ensure that the software is installed and configured correctly, and meets the high standards of security and performance required by the industry.

An integral part of the Focal team, he has also been involved in developing a complex automated testing environment to ensure that all software changes are problem-free, while his attention to detail and commitment to quality have helped to ensure that ALeRT is reliable and performs well for an exceptional user experience.

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(10am - 05 pm)
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